A successful first Learning Crossroad for the CIP! 

We're delighted that our first Learning Crossroad was such a success! The event enabled participants to share a wealth of learning and strengthen valuable links within the CIP community. 

Nearly 90 participants gathered at the Centre Saint-Pierre to enjoy rich and varied exchanges that strengthened our network and provided an essential collaborative space for the CIP. The shared learnings will be fundamental to documenting phase 2 of the CIP and highlighting the initiatives emerging in neighborhoods thanks to the work of community partners. 

Here are some of the day's highlights:   

  • A stimulating presentation on social justice and social and economic inclusion in the Montréal-Nord context that resonated with many participants and inspires us to continue building bridges between the community and research sectors. 

  • Fascinating testimonials from six community players on their learning experiences, which they generously shared during the round table and inspired sub-group discussions: whether on citizen participation, valuing what already exists, systemic change or the importance of adapting and remaining flexible at all times. 

  • Sharing by members of the CIP'S governance bodies on the collective learnings of the evaluation and learning committee, as well as the adjustments made within their own organizations. 

  • The presentation of the preliminary version of four boards created by graphic facilitator Mélika Bazin, which will enable us to broadcast the highlights of the day. Stay tuned for the final result! 

Thank you to everyone who attended and to all those who helped organize this memorable day: Grégoire Autin from Parole d'ExcluEs, Melissa Bensiali-Hadaud from Le Pôle, Evelyne Boissonneault fromAction-Gardien-CDC Pointe-Saint-Charles, Emma Campbell from Table de quartier de Peter-McGill, Véronique Colas from CDC de la Pointe, Cassandra Exumé fromHoodstock, Chanel Gignac from Centre de recherche sur les innovations sociales de l'UQAM (CRISES), Chantal Grandchamp from Dynamo, Myriam Grondin from Concert'action Lachine, Isabelle Mercieca from Niska, Annie Montcalm-Cardinal from Centraide of Greater Montreal, Yann Pezzini, Brigitte Robert from Solidarité Ahuntsic, Patricia Rossi from Fondation Lucie et André Chagnon, Alena Ziueleva from Table de quartier du Sud de l'Ouest-de-l'Île. We would also like to acknowledge the invaluable support of all our Centraide colleagues present at this event. Each and every one of you helped make this day a success! 

We sincerely hope that the experience was as enriching for the participants as it was for our team. We look forward to seeing many of you at next year's event. Don't hesitate to send us your suggestions and comments at pic@centraide-mtl.org

A summary, including graphic facilitation, of the day will be produced and shared with the community in the coming weeks. 

Together, let's continue to build a better, more inclusive future! 


March 19: PIC exchange day!


Three key factsheets to help you understand the results of phase 1 of the CIP