Access external resources about the CIP and its challenges
Equity, diversity and inclusion in a collective impact context
Some ideas to get us thinking
During Phase 2 of the Collective Impact Project, the CIP community is coming together to think about how we can improve collective practices surrounding equity, diversity and inclusion.
How can we improve our practices?
The answer will vary depending on the person, organization and neighborhood involved in the CIP.
The important thing is to constantly :
Take action
Observe changes and learn from them
Apply what you've learned to improve
Share the journey taken and lessons learned (before starting all over again).
Finally, it's about thinking and acting more equitably and inclusively than we have in the past, and constantly improving.
Further reading on collective impact
The Equity Imperative in Collective Impact John Kania and Mark Kramer, 2015 ANG.
Building Many Stories into Collective Impact Sheri Brady, 2015 ANG.
Bringing Soul to the Work of Collective Impact Michael McAfee, 2015 ANG.
Further reading
Collective impact
To deepen your knowledge on the theory behind the project, here are some suggested resources on collective impact:
Collective Impact 3.0 an Evolving Framework for Community Change Tamarack Institute, 2016 ANG.
When Collective Impact Has Impact: A Cross-Site Study of 25 Collective Impact Initiatives. ORS Impact, February 28, 2018 ANG.
Understand systemic changes
The systemic perspective is central to the ICP. Issues are understood as an integral part of complex systems, where we strive to understand the underlying causes of exclusion dynamics in order to bring about systemic change. For further information, please click here:
The Relational Work of Systems Change, Katherine Milligan, Juanita Zerda & John Kania, January 2018 ANG.
The Water of Systems Change John Kania, Mark Kramer and Peter Senger ANG.
As an initiative that is unique to the Montreal context, many studies and papers have been written on the CIP to better grasp its realities. Here are all the CIP-related publications that have been released so far:
Case study | Montreal: collective impact and the power of the local (Tamarack Institute) FR.
Case Study | Montréal: Collective impact and the Power of Place (Tamarack Institute) ANG.
#MontrealMonday - Centraide of Greater Montreal (Tamarack Institute) ANG.
Time zero" for Project Collective Impact (PhiLab) FR.
Centraide's Collective Impact Project: fighting poverty in Montreal (Chapter 12, Philanthropic Foundations in Canada - Landscapes, Indigenous perspectives and pathways to change, May 2020) FR.
Centraide's Collective Impact Project: Poverty reduction in Montréal (chapter 12, Philanthropic Foundations in Canada - Landscapes, Indigenous perspectives and pathways to change, May 2020) ANG.
Montreal's Collective Impact Project and the first stages of its partnership and operationalization (PhiLab) ANG.
How to deploy and support sustainable citizen initiatives (Le Devoir) FR.
First issue of the journal L'Année PhiLanthropique (Philab - UQAM) FR.
Philanthropists unite to fight poverty (Le Devoir) FR.
A new approach that pays off (La Presse+) FR.
Looking beyond London: UK and International Perspectives on Place-Based Funding (London Funders) ANG.
Joining forces to better help the population (Le Devoir) FR.