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Training in learning capture

Capturing learning means taking a step back to look at the state of our project, and adjusting it along the way to stay on course for the desired change. While this exercise is carried out through various processes (evaluation, research question, knowledge mobilization, etc.), it always answers one initial question: What do we need to learn together this year to move our project forward? The aim of the training day is to explore this question in a practical way, as well as the many processes that need to be put in place to answer it.

Details :

Date: November 15, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Location: Dynamo - 4100 rue Molson, suite 420, Montréal, QC, H1Y 3N1

Price: Free, excluding cost of meal/snacks ($35)

October 20

Day 2: Collective Impact Festival

December 4

Collective impact training