The CIP unveils Phase 1 report
The report on the phase 1 of the Collective Impact Project is now available to everyone online!
"Innovating and learning to better support the fight against poverty in Montreal neighborhoods - assessment of Projet impact collectif Phase 1" was produced by Isabel Heck, Head of Knowledge and Learning at the CIP and Associate Professor at the CRISES, in collaboration with Yannick Sanschagrin, Mariane Rail, Cassandre Ville, Éric Joly and Raphaëlle de Albuquerque. It is published as a Cahier de recherche by the Centre de recherches en innovation sociale (CRISES) at UQAM.
(Credit: Simon Prelle, Festival impact collectif 2023, Panel on phase 1 in Côte-des-Neiges)
Based on an analysis of more than 100 reports and 23 individual and group interviews, this review provides a perspective on the CIP Phase 1 (2015-2023), identifying progress, challenges and lessons in terms of participating neighborhood initiatives, regional partnership and systemic changes. You can also find the report in the phase 1 section of our website. We would like to thank all those who contributed to the production of this report.
Enjoy your reading!